Parent Trap

Since moving back home after graduating from college in June, I’ve noticed a swift and unsettling change. One day I’m living on the beach at UC Santa Barbara, riding to class on my cruiser without a helmet. Next thing you know, I’m trading in ...Read More

New York

Here’s a little summary of last week’s fantastic trip to New York. Maddy and I went as a three-tiered celebration: for her 22nd birthday, our graduation from UCSB, and to visit our sisters, who both live there. We were sweating profusely in 98% humidity ...Read More

Assorted Accommodations

A love of travel comes with the question of where to stay. Ideally, I would have friends all over the world who would open their houses for a few nights, which has happened on some occasions and always proves for the best trips. Or I would ...Read More

A Language Map of the U.S.

A statistics student from North Carolina State came out with a language map of the U.S., a fun linguistics study to see how where you live shapes the words you use. Give it a try! My results showed that not only am I indeed from California, ...Read More


This weekend I graduated from UC Santa Barbara, officially becoming a Gaucho Alum. It was a jam-packed weekend full of dinners, graduation parties, pictures, ceremonies, and final nights with friends. Most academic departments on campus held small receptions for their graduates. My housemate Deniz, ...Read More

Feminist Linguistics in Deutschland

I just finished my last German final, and now I can begin the swift process of forgetting a year’s worth of material. But even if verb order and plural endings don’t stick with me, a recent linguistics study about German articles made quite the ...Read More