Things Middle-Schoolers Ask

I’ve been working for just under a month at IES Zorroza middle school (ages 12–17 in Spain), and here are some of the many questions I’ve been asked:

  • Do you like Justin Bieber? (When I answer no, all the boys cheer and all the girls look crestfallen. It’s happened in 16 classes.)
  • Do you like One Direction? (See above parenthetical.)
  • Do you have a boyfriend?
  • How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?
  • How many boyfriends have you had?
  • Would you like to go out with me? (This one from a 12-year-old.)
  • Do you want me to set you up with my older brother? (Is he attractive? Actually yes, that’d be great.)
  • Do you have Whatsapp? (Yes, but don’t text me.)
  • What’s your phone number?
  • Which do you like better, Samsung or Apple? (Couldn’t. Care. Less.)

and my personal favorite. . . .

  • Is it true that in the U.S., kids start watching porn at a younger age than here?

So not much changes across cultures. Middle-schoolers, whether in the U.S. or Spain or Zambia, for that matter, will always be obsessed with shitty pop culture and the dating pool.

  • note: I have changed some of the questions from their original form. Due to the students’ low level of English, most questions come out along the lines of, “Jenny, you . . . is. . . . boyfriend?”